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Overcoming Post Partum Depression: My Inspirational Journey

Greetings, everyone! I appreciate you stopping by my blog. The main topic of this post revolves! I am 28 years old, married to my husband, Gunnar, and we have two lovely children.

Although I was born and raised in Colorado, my husband and I now reside in Oklahoma, where we have been living for approximately 2 years. Moving required some faith, but we truly enjoy our life here in Oklahoma.

My husband and I are followers of Jesus Christ. I have a deep love for the Lord. I have vivid memories of attending church from a very young age. I made a commitment to Jesus when I was 7 years old, and I was baptized approximately a year later. I have consistently made an effort to adhere to the teachings of God, although it has not been without its challenges. I've always faced challenges, but they intensified during my junior and senior years of high school.

As a diligent student, I refrained from using drugs and alcohol, excelled academically, and consistently demonstrated respect and compliance towards my parents. I considered myself exceptionally mature for my age as I prepared to embark on my journey into adulthood. With a desire to pursue a profession that involved assisting others, I decided to pursue a career in nursing.

I decided that I wanted to go to a community college because the community college was near home, and I heard it had a great nursing program. For some reason, attending a community college drew a lot of criticism from various family members and friends, which was mentally challenging for me. Additionally, at that time, my faith and relationship with Jesus were shaken because individuals I viewed as Christian role models let me down. They were hypocritical individuals who claimed to be Christians but only followed the teachings of the Bible when it suited them. They contradicted themselves by suddenly declaring certain actions acceptable, despite preaching against them previously. I was confused and heart broken.

During that period, I met my husband, Gunnar. He is not only my closest companion but also my high school sweetheart. Our love was unmistakable. I was convinced he was the one for me, and he felt the same way about me. We were determined to tie the knot and share our lives together, but we were committed to doing it properly and in accordance with God's will. Our plan was to marry first and then live together. However, this decision was not well-received by others. They believed they knew better and advised us to cohabit before marriage. Many thought we were too young and naive to marry at the ages of 20-21.

Gunnar and I faced persecution. This was hard for me, and I became depressed during this time. Of course, we did get married to each other on May 20th, 2017. It was a beautiful wedding. I thought getting married was a breath of fresh air for a while, until I became pregnant with our son.

Even though Gunnar and I intended to postpone starting a family, the plans changed when we found out in March 2018 that we were expecting a son. While we were thrilled about welcoming a child into our lives, many other family members and friends were not as pleased with the news.

Again, we faced verbal abuse and slander. It broke my heart, causing me to fall into a depression. I struggled with my faith, feeling angry about the difficulties I was facing. Following the birth of my son, I experienced postpartum depression. It was tough. Eventually, I sought help and was prescribed medication that provided some relief, although it didn't completely heal the emotional pain.

In the years following the birth of our son, we encountered the difficult period of the COVID pandemic, which worsened my depression. Towards the end of 2021, we discovered that I was expecting our second child. The pregnancy with my daughter was challenging, and she was born prematurely at 34 weeks, requiring a week-long stay in the hospital. Following her birth, our situation became even more challenging. We faced financial struggles, my husband was going through tough times, and we both felt overwhelmed and as if we were sinking.

One year prior, Gunnar's parents relocated to Oklahoma. After praying about it with Gunnar, we felt guided by God to also move to Oklahoma. It has been 2 years since we settled here, and we have grown to adore this place. The Lord has connected us with amazing individuals, and we are now active members of a fantastic church that treats us like family. Since our move, the Lord has lifted me out of depression, and I no longer require medication for it.

Currently, I aim to promote positivity and share the message of God's love. I strive to openly address the topic of postpartum depression, which remains largely overlooked in our society.

I want to reassure you all that the Lord loves each one of you. Regardless of your circumstances, the Lord remains steadfast. For women experiencing postpartum depression, I encourage you to seek support from a healthcare provider. Remember, you are not facing this alone.

To sum up, I trust that you found my story and personal experience enjoyable. My wish is that it serves as an inspiration and instills hope and faith in you through this blog post.

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